Natural Options for Everyday Moisturizing

Dry skin cannot only be irritating but make you look both dull and old as well. This is why hydration is important that helps your skin look healthy and fresh. However, it is not just the people with dry skin that need to know this, everyone irrespective of the skin type should follow a moisturizing routine. Regardless of the season, moisturizing is key to beautiful skin. 

If you were to use a moisturizer everyday, your skin is bound to glow since you are offering it deep hydration. Although there are many options available in the market but you could do with some natural options at home as well. 

Moisturize Skin With Oils

When it comes to natural moisturizing, you can pick coconut oil, olive oil, jojoba oil, or any other type of oil that is available at home. Once you have found the oil, you need to apply it all over your body and gently massage for a minute or two. The messaging is done so that the oil is absorbed quickly and does not stain the clothes. Plus, you can leave it overnight and shower the next day to have fresh skin or use it after taking a shower.

This is an effective natural moisturizing technique that provides a natural glow to your dry and irritated skin. Furthermore, the oils mentioned above, provide soothing effects to skins of all types. These oils tend to be quite rich in vitamin E, vitamin A, and fatty acids. Not only do these oils lock in the moisture but supply the skin with essential nutrients as well.

Moisturize Skin With Honey

To moisturize your skin with honey, you are going to need some organic honey. It is one of the best natural moisturizing options that is proven to offer positive results. To moisturize the skin with honey, you need to apply a thin layer of honey on the affected area for example your arms or face. Then, allow the honey to rest for 15-30 minutes. Once the time has passed, rinse it with lukewarm water and pat dry. If you have dry skin, you should repeat the process twice a week or more if required.

Honey is known to be one of the best natural moisturizers for the skin. It is a natural emollient and humectant. To moisturize the skin, it penetrates the deeper layers of the skin. Furthermore, it also helps clean the pores of the skin and restores the skin to its natural glow through its natural antioxidants.

Aloe Vera Gel

Aloe Vera Gel is extracted from aloe vera leaves. To use aloe vera gel for the skin, you will have to peel the outer part of the leaf and remove the inside steam that secretes the gel. Extract this gel and make sure that you mash it properly and apply it as soon as possible. Leave it for 10-20 minutes and then wash off with warm water. If there is some gel remaining, you can store it in a container and place it inside a refrigerator for a few days. 

The best thing about aloe vera gel is that it can be easily derived by keeping an aloe vera plant on your balcony. It grows within no time and soon you will have a natural moisturizer at your disposal. Aloe Vera gel has plenty of nutrients like vitamin A and vitamin E that are great for the skin. Furthermore, it also contains plant steroids that feature anti-inflammatory properties. 

Milk Or Buttermilk

Milk or buttermilk is another good natural moisturizing source that needs to be gently applied to the affected area. Plus, you should keep it on for like 10-15 minutes and then rinse with lukewarm water. Depending on the situation of your dry irritated skin, you should repeat the process twice a week. 

Perhaps the best thing about milk or buttermilk is that it makes your skin look healthy and fresh instantly. Otherwise, your dry and dull skin makes you look haggard. Since milk or buttermilk can be found in almost every household, it is one of the most effective ways to hydrate the skin naturally. It absorbs quickly into your pores and helps keep the wrinkles away as well.

Avocado As Moisturizer

Believe it or not, avocado can also be used as a natural option for everyday skin moisturizing. You simply need to cut open the avocado and remove the pulp inside. Then, gently mash this so that no lumps remain. Apply this to the affected area and let it sit for about 10 minutes. Then, rinse with warm water. 

If you were to use this remedy, all your dry and flaky patches will soon be eliminated. Since avocado contains a lot of essential nutrients such as vitamins and minerals including fatty acids, vitamin E, and vitamin C, they will protect your skin from getting damaged. Moreover, vitamin C aids in collagen and elastin synthesis leaving your skin young-looking. 


If nothing else works, you can use beeswax as a natural moisturizing option as well. However, this time, you are going to need a cup of olive oil, ½ cup of coconut oil, 2 oz. Beeswax and 5-6 capsules of Vitamin E oil. To make it work, you will need to pour both oils in a glass container along with the beeswax. Now heat these ingredients over medium heat in a double boiler. Mix every few minutes to get an even mixture. 

Once all the beeswax has melted and mixed well with oil, you need to take the container out and let it cool. Before the mixture solidifies, add vitamin E from the capsules and stir it well. Then apply the beeswax lotion and massage it properly. Leave it overnight. 

Beeswax tends to soften the skin and improves its elasticity at the same time. Furthermore, coconut oil and olive oil are excellent moisturizers as well. They also contain antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. 

Final Word

When using a moisturizer for your skin, it is important that you know about the ingredients that are safe to use. While purchasing the ingredients, make sure that you read the information mentioned at the back. However, when it comes to home remedies, the ingredients listed above are safe to use and suit most skin types. As such, a patch test will remove any doubts that keep you skeptical about experimenting with new ingredients.