Get Bigger Lips with Makeup

Do you want bigger lips? If you’re like most women, the answer is probably yes!

Having bigger and fuller lips is often depicted as beauty, giving the face a more attractive look. That is why it is common for women to wear makeup to make their lips look better. Luckily, there are a few simple makeup tricks that can help make your lips look fuller and more voluptuous.

In this blog post, we’ll discuss some of the best tips for achieving bigger lips with makeup. We’ll also provide a profound guide on how to apply each technique. So continue reading to learn everything you need to know about getting bigger lips with makeup!

Steps to Make Your Lips Look Bigger With Makeup


There are a few different ways that you can make your lips look fuller with makeup. In this section, we’ll discuss the best techniques for achieving this look.

The first step is to use a lip liner. Lip liners help to define and shape your lips, and they also make them look fuller. Choose a lip liner that’s one shade darker than your natural lip color.

To apply the lip liner, start in the center of your lips and work your way outwards. Make sure to fill in your entire lip area, and then blend the liner in with your fingertip.

Next, apply lipstick or gloss over the top of the liner. Again, choose a color that is one shade darker than your natural lip color. Be sure to apply it in the center of your lips and blend it outwards towards the edges.

Finally, add a highlighter to the center of your lips. This will help make them look fuller and more voluptuous. Choose a highlighter that’s one shade lighter than your natural lip color.

To apply the highlighter, simply dab it on the center of your lips and blend it outwards.

Below are a few tips for applying makeup to make your lips look fuller:

  • Be sure to use a lip liner that is one shade darker than your natural lip color.
  • Apply the liner in the center of your lips and work your way outwards.
  • Fill in your entire lip area, and then blend the liner in with your fingertip.
  • Apply lipstick or gloss over the top of the liner. Again, choose a color that is one shade darker than your natural lip color.
  • Be sure to apply it in the center of your lips and blend it outwards towards the edges.
  • Add a highlighter to the center of your lips. This will make them look fuller and more voluptuous. Choose a highlighter that’s one shade lighter than your natural lip color.
  • To apply the highlighter, simply dab it on the center of your lips and blend it outwards.

With these simple tips, you’ll be on your way to having fuller and more voluptuous lips in no time! 

Choosing the Best Lip Color for You


In choosing the best lip color for making your lips look bigger, there are a few things you’ll want to keep in mind.

When it comes to picking the best lip color, the first thing you need to have in mind is the undertone of your skin. If you have a cool undertone, then you’ll want to choose a lipstick or gloss that has a blue or purple base.

If you have a warm undertone, on the other hand, then you’ll want to choose a lip color with an orange or yellow base. This will help to create the illusion of fuller lips.

Another factor you need to consider in choosing the best lip color is the shade of your natural lips. If you have light-colored lips, then you’ll want to choose a darker shade of lipstick or gloss.

If you have dark-colored lips, however, then you’ll want to choose a lighter shade. This will contrast and make your lips look fuller.

Lastly, you’ll also want to keep in mind the occasion you’ll be wearing the lipstick or gloss for. If you’re going for a more simple and natural look, then you’ll want to choose a nude lip color.

If you’re looking for something more dramatic, however, then you can go for a bolder shade. Red is always a good choice for making your lips look fuller.

So there you have it! These are just some tips to keep in mind when choosing the best lip color for making your lips look bigger and fuller with makeup. So go ahead and give them a try next time you’re shopping for lipstick or gloss. You won’t be disappointed!

Tips for Maintaining Fuller Lips

While wearing makeup is a great way to make your lips bigger, there are other methods you can do to make them look fuller as well.

First, you can try exfoliating your lips on a regular basis. This will help remove dead skin cells that may be making them look thinner.

You can make your own lip scrub by mixing together sugar and olive oil. Simply rub it onto your lips in a circular motion and then rinse it off with warm water. Do this once or twice a week for best results.

Another great way to maintain fuller lips is by using lip plumper. This is a cosmetic product that helps to temporarily swell the lips, making them appear fuller and more voluptuous.

Simply apply it to your lips according to the directions on the package, and you’ll see an immediate difference!

Final Thoughts

As mentioned earlier, having fuller lips can really help to enhance your appearance. And while there are a number of ways to achieve this, such as surgery or injections, not everyone is willing or able to go that route.

Fortunately, there are plenty of ways to make your lips look fuller with makeup. So if you’re looking for a more temporary solution, then be sure to give these tips and tricks a try.