Beach Hacks to Make the Most of Summer

Can you imagine your summer without thinking about the cool, fresh waves of water passing through your feet, the sand beneath them, or the bright sun providing you with a gorgeous, natural tan? We are sure you can’t. In case you are still wondering, we are talking about the beach. 

You can’t witness the full potential of summer without spending some quality time at the beach. Summers can be quite sweltering and tiresome, which is why beaches are one of the best places you can visit with your family or friends to beat the heat. But while it is a fun and diverting experience for some people, it can also be a little displeasing for others. 

14 Tips and Hacks for a Perfect Beach Day

Making plans for a beach day can be excruciating for someone who doesn’t know the right things to do. Well, don’t worry about that, because we have got your back. Here are some amazing beach hacks and tips that will make you forget all your worries and have a great time in the water or on the sand. 

1. Safeguard Your Phone


There is no denying that one of the best parts of the beach day is the pictures. People take a lot of random and funny pictures from their phones or cameras, which is not beach-friendly. The best way to protect all your electronic products from sand and water is to keep them in plastic bags, such as a sandwich bag or a peanut jar.

Another problem your phone can face is overheating, which of course occurs because of the hot, burning sun. You can prevent it by putting it in a towel or inside your bag. 

2. Travel Light


“Always travel light.” That’s just a basic rule that applies to most of the places you visit. The more stuff you carry, the more difficult it will be for you to manage it and enjoy. The same goes for the beach. 

Avoid carrying any extra stuff other than the essentials, including sunscreens, sunglasses, sun hats, hand sanitizer, water bottles, baby powder, bathing suits, other clothing, towels, snacks, a wet bag, and any other essential product that you might need. You can carry your essentials in a waterproof bag to prevent them from getting wet or in a mesh bag or a large basket with tiny holes to lose the sand. 

3. Hide Your Valuables


First of all, never take a precious or costly item at the beach unnecessarily, as it can attract thieves or others around you. If you have any, hide them in a safe or unusual place, such as a child’s diaper, your shoes or socks, an empty lotion bottle, or a medicine container. Use other creative places to hide your wallet, money, car keys, etc.

4. Get Rid of all the Sand


The best thing about a beach is the water, but what tags along is the sand. It can be gritty, irritating, and hard to remove, which is why many people avoid visiting the beach. Well, there is a solution for that as well, and it is quite simple – a baby talcum powder.

Sprinkle a small amount of powder on your hands or feet and rub it with a cloth. The powder will absorb all moisture, removing the grains of sand as well. 

5. Sun Burn Won’t be a Problem Anymore


Many beachgoers often complain about sunburns, which can be uncomfortable and painful. This is where the magic of aloe vera comes in. Get some aloe vera gel, and freeze it in an ice cube tray before going to the beach. In case of sunburn, rub the affected body part with the frozen aloe vera. It will reduce the swelling and retaining the moisture. A little spray of Apple cider vinegar may also work. 

6. Keep Your Drinks Cool


The most common life hack that everybody uses in hot weather is the icy water bottle. Fill half of your water bottle with water and place it in the freezer overnight before going to the beach. You can fill the rest of your bottle with any other drink or simply water to enjoy a cold drink in hot weather. 

7. Set Your Sunscreen Schedule 


Most people either forget or are unaware of the fact that sunscreens have to be reapplied a couple of times after regular intervals. You cannot put on the sunscreen once and expect it to protect you from the sun’s UV rays throughout your time at the beach. Take a marker with you and keep mentioning it every time you apply it at the back of the sunscreen container.

8. Keep Your Ears Water-free


Playing among the waves can often fill your ears with water, causing you a little discomfort. The easiest trick to get it out is to keep jumping until the water flows out of your ear. Even after getting the water out, your ears might still feel blocked. 

We have an easy solution for this problem, but you will need a balloon for that. Take a balloon, squeeze your nose, and start blowing into the balloon until you hear a clicking sound, indicating that the natural pressure inside your ear is restored. 

9. Don’t Burn Your Feet


Have you ever placed your feet in flip-flops that had been in the sun long enough? How bad was the burn? 

The sun can cause our footwear to heat up, ultimately burning our feet. There is a pretty simple hack you can use to prevent it from happening. All you have to do is take off your slippers, turn them upside down in a way that the soles are facing up. This can prevent the inside of your shoes or slippers from burning up.

10. Style Yourself with Sponges


Kitchen sponges can be used for their cooling effect, which helps beat the effects of the sun. You can wear some plain kitchen sponges in the form of a necklace by cutting them into pieces and using a metal yarn needle to put them together. After getting wet, they will contain water and provide you the cooling effect you need.

11. Take Care of Jellyfish Stings 


If you are at the beach and a jellyfish stings you, what will you do? Jellyfish attacks are pretty common on some beaches, so it’s better to know what the water contains before you get into it. If a person gets stung by a jellyfish, the first thing to do is washing it with seawater. 

Freshwater can only reactivate the stinging. If you see the stingers there, remove them with tweezers or your hands with gloves on to avoid yourself from getting stung again. Pouring white vinegar on the sting may also stop the pain. 

12. Use a Towel to Take Pictures


You can’t imagine going to the beach without flooding your Instagram with a bunch of cool and aesthetic pictures. But what you also can’t imagine is, touching your phone with wet or sandy hands. For that, you can use a towel to hold the phone, which is placed either on the ground or another surface, and use the timer to take the perfect picture. 

13. Mark Your Spot


Beaches can be pretty confusing on a busy day, with many people packed around you. This can lead you to lose your items or misplace them. To avoid this confusion, mark the area where you are sitting, and your stuff is kept with a flag or an umbrella, so you can always find your way back to the spot.

14. Hydrate Yourself and Have Fun


Beaches can be loads of fun, but they can also drain out all your energy without you realizing that. Many people forget to hydrate themselves in the gist of fun, leading to dehydration. The best way to hydrate yourself is to keep drinking water and other liquids, but there is also a simple hack that can help you keep your water levels under control. The use of lemons in your drinks can help you stay fresh and hydrated. 

Final Tip for You

If you were worried about your trip to the beach just because you did not know how to get the sand out of everything, or you were scared of your phone getting wet, or the thought of sunburns was troubling you, we hope these beach hacks would help you toss out all the stress you were carrying about your beach trip. 

Now that you know all these beach life hacks that will help make your beach experience much more exciting and enjoyable, we advise you to gather all your friends or family and plan a big beach day to teach them every beach hack you have learned. 

It’s time to wear your flip-flops, hit the beach, and make some memories.