Tips for Keeping your Eyes Moisturized

The eyes need to be kept moisturized and hydrated just like the skin. It’s because dry eyes can be painful if there isn’t enough moisture in the air. The moisture on the surface of your eye not only provides relaxation, but also security. The tear film covers the cornea’s outermost layer. The eye’s wet surface is where it is. Three interwoven layers must function properly for the moist to be stable.

Why do the eyes occasionally become dry? The tear film that keeps the eye wet is fed by lacrimal glands. The tear film is also salty. As a result, when the tear film evaporates too much, the eyes become more salty and sting and burn, which are classic signs of dry eye syndrome. You’ve come to the right spot if you frequently have dry eyes and want to learn how to stop it from occurring. We’re going to give you some advice today on how to keep your eyes hydrated.

Natural Ways of Keeping your Eyes Moisturized

The following are a few all-natural techniques you can use to keep your eyes moisturized:

1. Proper diet and nutrition

Omega 3 in fish, Omega 3 and vitamin D

According to a study, omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin D are two significant nutrients that have been discovered to be beneficial in maintaining the moisture in the eyes. The tear break-up time, inflammation, and osmolarity of dry eye syndrome can all be considerably reduced by a high intake of omega-3 fatty acids. 

Green leafy vegetables should also be consumed in moderation, while artificial sweeteners and too much sugar should be avoided. It’s because an excessive amount of unusable glucose builds up in the eyes as a result of a diet high in sugar. You can develop dry eye syndrome if you consume more than 11 tablespoons of sugar per day. Remember that a soda can has around 9 teaspoons of sugar in it. Sugar is found in large quantities in processed and refined foods like ketchup, cereals, and salad dressings.

Additionally, harmful fats—which can be found in red meat, dairy products, fried foods, and man-made fats—should be consumed less frequently. It’s because these lipids prevent the body’s vital fatty acids from being properly metabolized, which leads to dry eye condition. You may restore the beneficial flora in your stomach by taking a high-quality probiotic, drinking 8 to 10 glasses of water daily, and consuming fresh juices. These factors might all help to keep the eyes lubricated.

2. Exercise regularly

 Exercise, Home workout

Regular exercise is also beneficial for the eyes. If you don’t like doing intense exercises, you can go for a quick walk every day. According to a Japanese study, increasing physical activity levels can also be a successful intervention for the prevention or treatment of dry eye illness.

3. Use a humidifier or air filter

Humidifier, Humidifier mist

Utilizing a humidifier might also assist to keep your eyes hydrated. This is fantastic for preventing the air from drying out at home or at work, especially during the winter. Improvements in dry eye symptoms have been demonstrated to be especially facilitated by the use of an air filter and temperature control inside.

4. Remember to blink

Blink eyes, Girl with a blinked eye

You need to keep in mind to blink more frequently if your job requires you to spend a lot of time on a computer. It’s because using a computer can significantly slow down blinking. Completely closing your eyes while blinking is crucial, say researchers. Therefore, when you blink, be careful to completely shut your eyes. It does so because it significantly improves the symptoms of computer eye syndrome and dry eye. 

5. Get more sleep

Sleep, Good sleep

Lack of sleep lowered tear production and increased abnormalities in the cornea’s epithelial cells, according to a study that was published in March 2018. A fascinating finding from the study was that these alterations may be largely undone following 14 days of sound sleep.

Conventional Ways of Keeping your Eyes Moisturized

In addition to using natural approaches, there are other ways to keep your eyes moisturized. Here are a few examples:

1. Apply artificial tears

Artificial tears are another option for maintaining eye moisture. The dry eye syndrome, which is brought on by a lack of natural tears, can actually be effectively relieved by it. Tear supplements are typically sold without a prescription and come in a variety of formats, including gels, drops, gel inserts, and ointments.

2. Apply eye moisturizers

The skin surrounding the eyes can occasionally become dry, black, or swollen. You must also maintain that area hydrated in order to prevent and treat these problems. One of the greatest ways to get rid of the dry, dark, and puffy areas around the eyes is to apply eye moisturizers.

3. Wear wraparound shades

When outside, eyes typically become dry. Wraparound-style sunglasses can therefore protect your eyes from the sun and wind, which might cause tears to dry up quickly when you’re outside. Your eyes won’t dry out since the sunglasses will catch any tears or moisture in your eyes.

4. Take computer breaks

People must spend numerous hours per day in front of computers in order to perform many tasks. You should endeavor to take breaks to allow your eyes to rest in addition to blinking more frequently.

5. Massage your eyelids

The tear glands can be stimulated by massaging your upper and lower lids twice daily, which can help keep your eyes hydrated. In a warm shower, this is easier to accomplish.

6. Apply a compress

Your eyelids can produce more lipids by being covered in a warm, moist compress, which can improve the quality of your tears and ease some dry eye symptoms. Always wash your eyelids before using a compress on your eyes. It’s important to find the ideal temperature—not too hot but warm enough to be restorative. As clean and sterile an environment as you can must be used to produce your compress.


These are some of the best recommendations we can make for maintaining healthy eye moisture. You won’t have to be concerned about your eyes being dry and itchy after using these suggestions. Another approach to keep your eyes healthy is to keep them hydrated.