How to Match Your Nail Polish to the Seasons

Nail polish is one of the things that many people enjoy doing as part of their curated personal appearance. If you’re really a nail polish fiend, one of the things that you might be interested in is trying to match your nail polish to the changing seasons, just as you might match your wardrobe colors. If you have an Ulta coupon and you’re interested in making a nail polish purchase, here are a few season-specific colors to consider.


Springtime is when pastels are in full swing. Pastels tend to remind people of Easter and surrounding holidays, and they’re a great option for the spring. Additionally, many people use springtime as a way to start including floral prints and patterns just about everywhere. You might see these on your clothing, for example.

If you’re just doing a single shade, it’s a good idea to tend toward pastel pinks, yellows, and blues, although purples, oranges, and greens can make a great impact if they’re added to the right color palette. Flower-inspired and Easter Egg designs are also a great addition to spring nail polish looks.


The key for summer is the word “bold.” Bright, bold shades look incredible during the summer, which means it’s the perfect time to break out any nail polish colors that you feel like make too much of a statement. Plus, it can be a great way to offset a reduction in other types of makeup, as the heaviness of makeup can be a bit too much to manage.

Candy apple red, bright neon yellow, and vibrant green are all great tones to use during the summer, especially if you’re just planning on doing a single shade. For designs, consider fire-inspired designs, or create a design inspired by the pool or the ocean.


In the fall, you’ll see a shift toward lots of neutrals. The good news is that it means you rarely have to check to ensure that the colors match your outfit rotation, as they’ll look good with just about anything. Additionally, the fall is when Halloween comes around, so if you’re a big fan of this holiday, spooky designs abound.

Warm browns, dark greys, and muted greens are all in full swing during the fall, and it’s best to check out some of them. If you’re planning to do anything spooky on your nails, make sure you can rock it as long as you have the nails, or go for fake nails that you can easily remove once Halloween is over.


During the winter, you’ll usually see a shift toward cooler tones. However, the warmth of a fireplace may be a good inspiration for those with warmer skin tones or who usually wear warmer colors. Gemstone-inspired and snow-inspired colors are great as well.

On the cooler side, look into gemstone purples, ice blues, and burgundy colors, with more blue than you would expect from a very vibrant summertime red. Warmer tones may include deep red, pumpkin pie orange, and gold tones. Winter scenes typically include something surrounding snow, and Christmas themes are prevalent.


Matching your nail polish to the seasons will always make you look on-trend and unique at the same time. It’s one of the best ways to add a little bit of excitement to your style. Use this guide to match your nail polish to the seasons more effectively.