Tips for Keeping your Tongue Moisturized

Although it is sometimes disregarded, the tongue is one of the key components of your oral health care routine. Why is it crucial to look after your tongue? It’s because it facilitates swallowing, chewing, and speaking.

You can appreciate the flavor of your meal thanks to more than 10,000 taste buds on your tongue. As a result, it serves as a haven for several germs that reside in your mouth. It is crucial to take proper care of it for this reason. To prevent oral problems including halitosis, cavities, infections, and more, a healthy tongue should be adequately hydrated and not dry. 

You’ve come to the right place if you frequently feel dry mouth and want to know how to keep your tongue moisturized. We’re going to share with you some of the best advice for maintaining a moist tongue today.

1. Drink plenty of water

Drinking plenty of water is one of the best ways to guarantee that your tongue has adequate moisture to prevent dry mouth. It’s because your body stops producing saliva when you don’t drink enough water. Your mouth needs to generate saliva since this is how your body naturally gets rid of the bad germs that can lead to halitosis, tooth decay, and other problems. Therefore, always drink water and avoid becoming dehydrated if you want to maintain your tongue moisturized.

2. Do not smoke

Your tongue is at risk from smoking, which is bad for your health. Additionally, it might make the tongue dry by eliminating its moisture. With this, your tongue may be more vulnerable to more severe problems, such as cancer, which can make speaking difficult. Additionally, smoking can permanently flatten your taste buds, changing their shape. You will find it more difficult to taste bitter foods as a result, including coffee.

3. Brush your tongue

Brushing your tongue like you would your teeth on a regular basis is another way to keep it hydrated. To get the debris from your tongue’s surface, use a tongue scraper or your toothbrush. In addition to moisturizing, this will aid in tongue cleaning so that you can prevent developing bad breath, losing your sense of taste, and even changing the color of your tongue. And each time you brush your tongue, be sure to fully rinse your mouth with water to remove any remaining bacteria.

4. Try a tongue scraper

Using a tongue scraper can allow you to clean your tongue even more thoroughly. The mucus layer that lives on your tongue, especially in the middle, can be gently scraped away with this tool, which is composed of flexible, soft plastic. Simply wash the scraper under warm water to get rid of the bacteria after each swipe of your tongue. Your tongue may become sore if you notice that you are scraping it too forcefully. Make sure you’re cleaning gently and slowly.

5. Rinse well

Make sure to completely rinse your mouth with water after each tongue-cleansing. This will assist you in getting rid of the localized bacteria. To keep your tongue largely free of hazardous bacteria, you might also think about using a warm saline solution, which is simply prepared by combining water and a teaspoon of salt.

6. Drink green tea

Green tea is a fantastic technique to maintain a clean tongue. By doing this, you significantly reduce oral microorganisms. As a result, drinking green tea aids in eliminating bacteria that can cause bad breath and stay on the tongue.

7. Monitor the color of your tongue

The color of your tongue can be used to assess your health, therefore it’s necessary to periodically check on it. A healthy tongue should be pale pink with a thin layer of white on it. A completely white tongue, however, can be a sign of dehydration or possibly a fungal infection. Your lack of vitamins may be the cause of your pale tongue. On the other side, if your tongue is extremely red, it can be an indication of an infection or possibly a blood or heart condition. Therefore, make sure to get your tongue checked out by a doctor if you notice any unusual hue.

8. Eat sugarless candy, lozenges or gum

Natural saliva production can be triggered by having anything in the mouth. If they are not very acidic or unpleasant, flavors like mint, cinnamon, and citrus are good selections. Look for sugarless gum with baking soda that is available at many neighborhood drugstores and contains aloe, xylitol, glycerin, or other moisturizing substances.

9. Keep a water spray bottle nearby

Keep a spray bottle of water available, and use it to moisten your mouth as needed. The water’s duration or moisturizing benefits can be increased by adding a few drops of aloe or glycerin.

Glycerin, also known as glycerol, is a cheap, tasteless, and non-toxic substance that you can buy online and at cake decorating supply shops. It draws and holds onto moisture because it is a humectant. A few drops of glycerin in water should be swished around in your mouth before being spit out. You can also make an oral spray by combining four drops of glycerin with four ounces of water. Use the spray as needed; you don’t have to spit it out. Keep in mind that you must dilute drops with water before placing them on the tongue or in the mouth.

10. Use moisturizing products for the tongue

You can also use a few different products to keep your tongue hydrated and avoid developing a dry mouth. Here are some of these moisturizing products:

  • Moisturizing Mouth Spray: For instance, a moisturizing mouth spray, which dentists and hygienists both recommend as one of the best sprays for treating the symptoms of dry mouth. It aids in the quick treatment of the symptoms of dry mouth. It keeps your mouth fresh with a long-lasting soothing moisturization. It also has a mild, cooling mint flavor. This can be used as necessary throughout the day to alleviate your discomfort. You can spray it on your tongue to evenly distribute it throughout your mouth.
  • Moisturizing Gel: A concentrated composition in a moisturizing gel aids in maintaining the tongue’s moisture levels. The symptoms of dry mouth can be alleviated, and it is perfect for overnight use. Its recipe is specially designed to be devoid of flavor, sugar, and alcohol. You might try using this product to alleviate the dryness in your mouth or tongue.
  • Stick-on Melts: Stick-on melts are placed in the mouth to maintain moisture in both the tongue and the entire mouth. Between applications, it can last anywhere between 4 and 8 hours thanks to its slow-release composition. It also tastes fantastic. Its flavor promotes salivation and promotes breath freshening. There are no preservatives in it, and it is composed entirely of natural ingredients.
  • Oral Hydrator: An oral hydrator helps keep your tongue soft and relieve the signs of dry mouth. Your breath will also be renewed for up to four hours. People who experience symptoms of dry mouth may find it easier to sleep at night thanks to this. If you experience symptoms of dry mouth during the day and find it difficult to consume drinks, it can also be useful.
  • Oral Moisturizer: Natural yerba santa could be present in a long-lasting mouth moisturizer. Lemon and lime flavors make it taste good. It can relieve dry mouth naturally because it is free of sugar and alcohol. You can safely consume this oral moisturizer. The tongue and the entire mouth can remain moisturized by forming a uniform layer in the mouth that has the same stickiness and lubricity as saliva.


These are some of the best tips we can offer for maintaining a moist tongue. These tips are meant to assist you in avoiding additional oral health problems while preventing the symptoms of dry mouth.