Tips for keeping your feet soft and moisturized

Nobody enjoys having dry, cracked feet, if there is one thing that most people can agree on. In addition to being exceedingly painful and uncomfortable, cracked heels and feet can also be rather unsightly.

Since dry skin is less elastic, your feet are more likely to sustain cuts and abrasions. As we become older, dry skin becomes an even bigger difficulty since our cells tend to multiply more slowly. 

You don’t have to live with dry feet, which is fantastic news. You may have softer, more youthful skin at any age by moisturizing frequently. Here are five simple methods to say goodbye to tough, dry feet once and for all, from using a daily foot cream to taking a soothing foot soak.

Here are some tips you can do to keep those feet soft and moisturized:

Foot cream or moisturizer 

The texture of foot creams is often thicker than that of the moisturizers we apply to our hands, faces, and other body parts. Some brands might also aid with odor management and infection risk reduction. 

Look for salicylic acid, lactic acid, or urea as active components. Shea butter, beeswax, or coconut oil are additional substances that keep skin smooth. Your dermatologist might advise a prescription-strength foot cream if your skin is still dry and rough after using over-the-counter creams. If your feet are extremely sore or cracked, you might also want to moisturize your feet twice a day. 

It’s usually ideal for moisturizers to be applied to slightly damp skin. This is why it’s wise to use foot cream right after taking a shower or bath. Apply the cream to your soles and heels after washing, then pat dry with a clean towel. Applying lotions or creams between your toes can raise the risk of athlete’s foot and other infections because of the increased moisture there. Before putting on socks and shoes, let your feet dry after applying moisturizer.

Foot Soak

Another excellent technique to treat yourself and maintain your skin soft and smooth is to soak your feet once to twice a month. Epsom salt can be added to a warm bath or bowl of water to make a simple foot bath. To remove dead skin cells, gently brush your feet with a pumice stone after bathing for around 10 minutes. Avoid excessive buffing or using a razor or other sharp item. Infection, bleeding, and wounds could result from doing this. 

Just like with most nice things, take care not to soak your feet too much. Warm water is preferable than hot water because the latter may strip away natural oils and exacerbate dry skin. Use lukewarm water and refrain from using a conventional moisturizer thereafter if you have athlete’s foot or another infection. Until the infection is healed, apply an antifungal ointment in its place.


As you move about, your feet are bearing the weight of your body and rubbing against the ground and your shoes. Your feet’s skin becomes highly damaged and brittle as a result. Such excessive stress gradually thickens or hardens the skin in the weight-bearing or high-friction areas, leading to the development of irregular raised patches known as calluses or small spherical lumps known as corns. 

In order to maintain your feet soft and smooth, you should exfoliate them. Exfoliation assists in removing dry, dead skin from the top of your foot, which helps to avoid the development of corns and calluses.

Your feet’s soles getting dry skin is inevitable. In this situation, exfoliation is useful. Thickened, dry skin on your feet may be a sign that the skin barrier on your soles is impaired. Exfoliating helps eliminate dead skin cells from your soles, which softens your skin and smoothes out any roughness. Your skincare regimen, especially how regularly you moisturize your feet, will determine how often you should exfoliate them.

Depending on how often you moisturize your feet, you might only need to exfoliate a few times per month. In the dryer winter months, you could also discover that you require the refresh more frequently.   

Fresh socks

The answer to the question of whether wearing socks helps keep your feet soft is yes. The key is to wear them immediately following the application of your foot cream or lotion. This helps to keep dust and debris out while keeping moisture in. Wearing socks keeps your feet healthy and prevents infection. 

Always be sure to put on fresh, dry socks. If you step in a puddle of dirt or perspire while wearing them, remove your shoes immediately. The risk of infection may rise if wet socks are left on. When wearing shoes and socks, some people find that using antiperspirant powder keeps their feet dry and clean.

Proper Shoes

Wearing comfy shoes is crucial because you are on your feet for the most of your waking hours. Therefore, the shape, fit, style, and material of your shoes affect how comfortable they are for your feet. Shoes that fit well and are comfortable to wear make movement easy. On the other hand, uncomfortable footwear can make walking painful and possibly result in foot injuries. The proper footwear protects and maintains healthy feet.

For a snug fit, the fabric of your shoes should be pliable enough to readily bend around the shape of your foot.  Your feet should be supported, cushioned, and fit comfortably in your shoes. Shop for shoes when your feet are at their biggest, which is at the end of the day or after an activity. Avoid wearing shoes that are excessively narrow or tight since they might make it difficult to walk because they crush your toes. When you move about, your shoes’ border will rub on your feet if they are too loose, leading to blisters or other ailments. Make sure your shoes are tight enough to fit comfortably without leaving any additional room or causing skin irritation.

When you jog, always use running shoes since they are designed to stabilize and ground your feet during the sprint to prevent injuries. Additionally, they are resilient enough to withstand severe movement.

Foot Massage

The blood circulation is improved by massaging your feet for at least 5 to 10 minutes each day, which might ease any discomfort or inflammation. The topical stimulation also relaxes the tense muscles in your feet. Just before going to bed, massaging the feet can have a profoundly soothing impact on your body, resulting in restful sleep.

Sweat-free Feet

Even though sweat normally has little fragrance on its own, it can help odorous microbes on your skin develop. Because of this, sweaty feet can smell rather bad. Additionally, poor foot cleanliness and excessive sweating provide the ideal conditions for bacteria proliferation, which can lead to foot infections.

There are also organic ingredients at your home that can benefit your feet, maintaining its softness and moisture:

Baking Soda. In soaking your feet, you can use baking soda in warm water. You may add bath salts to it for optimum effect. The market has plenty of bath salt, which helps to soften the skin and relax the muscles. Repetition is key!

Banana. The tropical fruit banana has a lot of health advantages. Even very cracked feet can be easily treated with it. Make a paste out of ripe banana by whipping it. After applying, let it dry for 10 minutes before rinsing it off with warm water. Do this once a week.

Olive Oil. Olive oil is the ideal moisturizer for dry skin. You can apply olive oil to dry skin areas of your feet using a cotton ball. Apply in a circular motion then put on a pair of socks to let the oil absorb. Give it an hour before rinsing it. You can also opt to leave the oil overnight for better results. Wash it the oil in the morning.

Brown Sugar. A foot scrub is the ideal technique to achieve the results you want if you’ve ever wondered how to fast soften feet. Combine one tablespoon of honey, half a cup of brown sugar, half a cup of coconut oil or olive oil, and a hefty squeeze of lemon juice. While brown sugar is gentler on the skin than plain granulated sugar, some recipes call for it. Brown sugar also aids in retaining moisture in the skin. The honey helps to soften and hydrate the feet. Lemon juice naturally lightens skin tone and has a little bleaching effect. Spend around 10 minutes massaging this scrub into your feet.

After letting it sit on your feet for a further one to two minutes, thoroughly rinse them with warm water. After using a soft towel to pat them dry, liberally moisturize them. Put on a pair of fresh, comfortable cotton socks right away, and wear them all night long for callus-free, silky feet in the morning.


The foot receives the least attention. We oftentimes ignore our feet though they endure a lot during the course of the day. If they are not taken cared of properly, your foot health will suffer before you know it.

Your feet will feel and look their best if you establish a regular regimen for taking care of them. You don’t need to spend a small fortune at the salon to achieve amazing results. You now know exactly how to achieve touchable, silky, and smooth feet without spending a fortune. Utilize your preferred materials to create a personalized treatment in the convenience of your home.