Guide to Women’s Golf Bags to Take at the Golf Course

If you’re a beginner at golf, you probably want to look like a pro. You observe these seasoned golfers and check how they play, dress, and conduct themselves on the golf course. Golfers exude a bit of panache when they’re at the golf course, and one way they do it is by having the proper golfing gear.

Golf bags are essential if you plan to pursue golfing as a hobby. They are unique – they are one part function and one part identity. They carry our clubs and make playing more convenient for us, and they project something about us as a golfer, as well.

Are Golf Bags for Women Different Than Men’s?

Golf bags designed for women are generally shorter than men’s, so women’s golf bags can be smaller and shorter as well.

Golf bags for ladies often come in different designs and colors that you don’t normally see in men’s golf bags. As with regular handbags, you can express your personal style and preferences more with a women’s golf bag.

These golf bags also tend to be lighter and have more pockets to carry things like golf accessories, jewelry, and extra clothing. The best ones have velour-lined pockets to keep your valuables safe.

If you decide to shop for one to take with you to the golf course, you may get overwhelmed by your options.

Different Types of Golf Bags for Women

There are several types of golf bags used to suit the different needs and preferences of golfers. Here are the most common types:

1. Tour bags

Tour bags, also known as staff bags, are the largest golf bags of these different types. They get their name because golf professionals use them for their tours. These are sizable bags that professionals often use because they need maximum storage and branding space.

With tour bags, space won’t be an issue. It has a lot of pockets that offer ample space for golf clubs, golf accessories, a change of clothes, additional layers, and other essentials and accessories you need for an entire day at the golf course. Many golf players like this bag because it usually features exposed water bottle pockets, making hydrating easier as they are under the sun for a long time.

They are the most traditional golf bag for pros, and it’s important to note that they are the heaviest as well. The bags themselves range from 10-12 pounds, and with the addition of golf clubs and equipment, they will weigh upwards of 35-40 pounds. This is why it’s only ideal for players who are lucky enough to have someone else carry their clubs for them or those with a caddy, or those who don’t mind carrying a considerable amount of weight at the golf course.

Traditionalists love the look of staff bags – it gives anyone a little ego boost when rolling up to the bag drop. But the cost and the weight isn’t worth it if you’re not going to spend numerous hours playing golf or if you’re not going to pursue golfing professionally. They are heavy and bulky because they offer real estate for the brands that sponsor the players. They offer excellent club protection but are better left to the pros who compete in high-level tournaments.

2. Cart bags

Also known as trolley bags, golf cart bags are designed to be carried on a golf cart or trolley. Because of this, they have a rubber base that doesn’t slip off the cart. These bags are slightly smaller and lighter than staff bags, but they still offer considerable storage space. On average, this bag style weighs about 6-8 pounds.

This bag comes with front-facing pockets that offer easy access to gear while the bag is nestled in the cart. It usually comes with a single shoulder strap with no stand mechanism. The strap is secured down with an additional cross strap to keep it from dragging on the cart’s bed.

This style is recommended for those who want a substantial bag but don’t need the excess weight and space of staff bags. It’s the top pick for those who prefer to ride carts than walk the course and players who have a specific way of organizing their golf clubs. However, cart bags are not recommended for those who like to keep their bags nearby for easy access, as the bag would be left on the cart for the duration of the round.

3. Stand bags

Stand bags are unique golf bags with two retractable legs so the bag can stand upright. This includes full-sized stand bags that weigh between 5-7 pounds and Sunday bags that range from 2-4 pounds.

Stand bags are the most versatile of all golf bags, and they usually weigh anywhere from 3-7 pounds, depending on their features. It’s designed to be comfortable and reduce fatigue, as it comes with ergonomic and contoured straps and a padded section where the bag sits on the back.

Most stand bags are medium-sized and come with backpack-style shoulder straps that make them comfortable and easier to carry while walking between holes. This makes it an ideal option for those who like to carry their bags from place to place.

Many advanced stand bags come with two retractable legs that deploy when placed on the ground. The stand legs open to 45 degrees, which is helpful when keeping the bag stable on bumpy surfaces. The stand allows you to put the bag anywhere without the need to be left on a flatter surface while you tee off or putt.

Since it’s not always feasible to carry your clubs, most stand bags come with a strap or clip that locks in the legs when using a push cart or riding a powered golf cart. It’s an often underappreciated and overlooked feature of stand bags.

The high-quality stand bags look like compact versions of tour staff bags. These typically come with multiple large pockets with enough storage space for extra golf balls, clothes, accessories, drinks, and snacks.

4. Carry bags

Also known as Sunday bags, carry bags are the most compact. They are usually structureless and easy to carry, and they can be folded up for convenient storage. It’s great for golfers who like to carry their bags but don’t want the legs that come with a stand bag.

A pencil bag is a type of carry bag that is a thinner and lightweight version of a stand bag. Its slim design makes it easy to carry and store when not in use, but it lacks the storage space needed by some golfers.

Carry bags sometimes contain a hookup for a golf towel, a ball pocket, a single large compartment, and that’s about it. The lightweight design makes it perfect for sneaking in a fast round during break time or if you want to bring your golf clubs on the road and are tight on storage.

5. Travel bags

Travel bags aren’t used on the course, but they are bags that protect golf equipment while traveling. It’s like a suitcase for your golf bag. Golf clubs are expensive, and you don’t want them to get damaged in transit, so it’s a worthwhile investment if you’re often traveling with your golf equipment.

There are hard and soft-sided golf travel bags that you can use according to your needs. Hard-sided golf travel bags offer more protection overall. They usually come with wheels (like a suitcase) for easy transport and are suitable for traveling on a plane. However, they can be heavy and expensive, and some may need help to fit in places like small trunks.

Meanwhile, soft-sided travel bags can offer a decent amount of protection if you’re not going to use them at an airport where a baggage handler can throw your luggage around. It’s relatively cheaper, easier to carry, and is made with durable fabric. It may get crushed by other luggage, and your golf equipment is not as well protected as a hardcover bag.

With that being said, you don’t need a travel golf bag if you’re a casual golf player. It’s reserved for those who are dedicated enough to golfing that they want to bring their equipment anywhere they go.