Learn About Ebony Wood Rings for Men and Women

For those looking to add organic aesthetics into their ring, a hardwood ring can be a suitable option. One would certainly consider wearing a piece of wood on their finger given the enormous variety in color and grain pattern between wood species (and even within the same species!).

Brief History of the word “Ebony”

In 3000 BCE, the Ancient Egyptians called a particular variety of African black wood hbny or ebenos, giving rise to the name “ebony.” The African blackwood, which gave the inspiration for the word “ebony,” was classified as a rosewood, or Dalbergia melanoxylon, in the Fabaceae family during the process of botanically classifying trees. Ebonaceae is the family name for the species of ebony that survived.

What is Ebony?

Ebony is a dense variety of hardwood that is produced by a number of species in the genus Diospyros. It has an appealing look and a slick, silky texture. Ebony has a very high natural oil content, which gives it a highly natural shine once finished. Eyes of onlookers  has been drawn to its reds and browns throughout time and space.

Ebony’s qualities vary depending on the species. Ebony is one of the world’s hardest timbers and generally one of the heaviest materials.

Ebony is now primarily used for veneer in furniture, musical instruments, and crafts.

Due to its dark black color and solid wood, ebony is one of the most valuable hardwoods in the world. It creates a clear, glossy shine, similar to that of metal, when polished. Ebony is a premium wood that has been in great demand for ages thanks to its distinctive properties.

The Greek words dios (divine) and pyros (grain) make up the genus name Diospyros. Ebony is a hardwood that is only produced by a few number of these species.

A slow-growing evergreen, ebony takes 70 to 200 years to mature. It belongs to the genus Diospyros, which contains 700 species and also includes persimmon trees.

Different Types of Ebony Wood

Many musical instruments have been made from ebony as their preferred type of wood. Examples include violin fingerboards, piano keys, guitar frets, and tuning pegs, to name a few.

1. Gaboon Ebony (Diospyros crassiflora)

The gaboon ebony, which is indigenous to western Africa and rarely surpasses 30 feet, has the darkest wood of all the ebony species. Due to overharvesting and exploitation, it is currently in danger of extinction. However, due to its extremely high density, it could be challenging to work with. This wood is frequently used for carvings, tiny objects, and pool cues, among other things.

African ebony, Cameroon ebony, and Nigerian ebony are other names for gaboon ebony. Other black ebony species, like D. toxicaria and D. perrieri, can be found in Madagascar.

All species in Madagascar are included in the Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora list under the Washington Agreement on International Trade, which has been in force since 2013 and places limitations on imports and exports. However, there is no effective global control yet.

2. Makassar Ebony (Diospyros celebica)

Makassar ebony is a wide-striped wood with black and brown streaks that is indigenous to Sulawesi. Makassar ebony is regarded as fragile and has a potential height of 66 feet. Amara ebony and Striped ebony are other names for macassar ebony.

Heartwood has a low resistance to insects and borers but is classed as durable against deterioration. This wood might be quite expensive.

Exceptional furniture, veneer, musical instruments, and other items are some examples of its common uses.

3. Ceylon Ebony (Diospyros ebenum)

Ceylon ebony, which is native to Indonesia, Sri Lanka, and India, has long been utilized commercially, but exporting it is now prohibited. It was used to create elaborate furniture and intricately carved doors between the 16th and 19th centuries. The height of ceylon ebony can reach 82 feet.

This wood is rare, and its cost could be very high. Black predominates in this wood, which also contains various colors. The resistance to deterioration of this wood appears to be very strong. It’s challenging to work with it because of Ceylon ebony’s extreme density, which also directly affects it. Common uses for Ceylon include turned artifacts, carvings, inlays, and some pieces for musical instruments.

4. Black and White Ebony (Diospyros spp.)

Pale Moon Ebony is another name for Black and White Ebony. The tree’s trunk diameter is 1-3 feet, and its height ranges from 50 to 115 feet.

Ebony wood in black and white is extremely rare and exotic. This wood is extremely rare, expensive, and highly resistant to deterioration. For inlays, turned objects, and other small objects, this type of wood is frequently utilized.

5. Mun Ebony (Diospyros mun)

A dark to black wood with straight grains, mun ebony is often referred to as Vietnamese ebony. This wood probably has a very high cost. Additionally uncertain is the source of sales due to it being classified as endangered. The cause is that the last three generations are to blame for 80% of the population decline.

This wood is frequently used for veneers, turned objects, inlays, and sculptures.

In 2012, the Gibson Guitar Company was raided for violating the Lacey Act of 1900, which forbade the use of vulnerable woods, by using ebony in their instruments. Due to an international trade prohibition on unprocessed wood that has been in place since 1998 for India and Sri Lanka, only limited amounts of ebony are imported into the Asia-Pacific region. The species that are mainly found there are D. hebecarpa, D. insularis, D. Ferrera, D. humilis, and D. Mollis.

The species that are found on the American Continent are Diospyros crassinervi (Caribbean – Cuban ebony) and D. texana (Texas, northeast Mexico – Mexican ebony). However they are seldom sold for international trade.

For the benefit of future generations, ebony must be protected because it is a stunning and endangered wood.

How Ebony Wood Is Processed

Both manual and machine equipment are used to cut the wood. Ebony is a heavy, extremely hard type of wood that requires a lot of strength to work with. However, the wood may be easily polished and planed with the correct equipment. All types of ebony are excellent for turning and carving, and the ones with vivid stripes are particularly good for knives.

Fungi and insects very seldom damage the heartwood of ebony. The Ambroisa beetle, which exclusively lives in live or recently felled trees, is occasionally responsible for creating so-called “pinholes.”

The wood needs to dry out very slowly in order to be processed successfully. The tremendous vibration values and immense density might cause cracks in the wood if it dries too soon. However, the majority of ebony woods have a high level of age and weathering resistance.

Pros and Cons of Wood Rings

Before choosing to use wood in your ring, there are several factors to take into account. 


  • Purchasing a wooden ring, especially one crafted from a tree branch, discarded wood, and recycled precious metals, can be an environmentally good decision.
  • As was already noted, there are a staggering number of different wood species available, each with a unique grain pattern and color.
  • The option to use your own wood piece provides a personal touch, especially if it came from a tree or anything that has significant importance to you.
  • Since many of the wooden rings sold as wedding bands or engagement rings are handcrafted by talented artisans, you may be quite sure you’re getting something with excellent workmanship.


  • While all-wood rings have recently become more commercially viable (thanks to new production techniques, such as bentwood rings), the obvious drawback of an all-wood ring is the additional care that must be taken to guarantee that it lasts for many years.
  • Wearing a ring with wood inlaid into a metal core doesn’t require quite as much attention, but you should take additional care with any jewelry that contains organic materials. You should not engage in any activities that have the potential to harm the protective finish, such as weight lifting or rock climbing, while wearing the ring (this is true for all types of rings).
  • Unable to be resized. A wooden ring might not be the best option if you expect to need future sizing. Rings made of bentwood can occasionally have their sizes modified by 1/4 to 1/2 size, however metal rings with inlaid wood cannot be adjusted.