Caring for Your Family’s Skin: 6 Best Tips of All Time

The skin is the largest organ in the human body. But more than that, it is also the biggest permeable organ that can absorb an average of 64 percent of contaminants found in drinking water, according to a study in the American Journal of Public Health.

Per the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), occupational skin diseases (OSDs) are the most common type of occupational ailments. This means skin care is more than just for appearances – it’s also about you and your family’s health.

While there are many risks, there are also plenty of ways you can protect the skin. Here, you’ll learn the six best skincare tips to help keep your family’s skin healthy:

1. Understand Skin Types

Knowing what skin type each member of your family has is crucial because every different skin type has varying needs

If you have children, know that their genetic makeup will be different from yours because the other half of their DNA comes from another person. That said, your daughter’s skin may have a different set of requirements even though you look alike.

Each person has unique skin, but most can be categorized under the following skin types:


Considered the most common of all skin types, normal skin is neither too oily nor too dry. It has little to no imperfections or severe sensitivity. People with normal skin also have radiant complexion and barely visible pores.

This skin type doesn’t need complex skincare. However, it still requires cleansing, moisturizing, and nourishing to stay healthy.


It is as it is called – oily skin. The oiliness is usually because of enlarged pores and can be triggered by a variety of factors, from stress and puberty to too much humidity or heat.

People with oily skin have thicker complexion, which is either shiny or dull. They are also more prone to pimples, blackheads, and other blemishes.


Dry skin tends to have invisible pores and a rough complexion. In more severe cases, the dryness is also accompanied by red patches, more visible lines, cracking, peeling, itchiness, irritation, and inflammation.

People with this type of skin need to take shorter baths and use gentle and moisturizing skincare products.


People with combination skin types can be normal or dry in some places and oily in others. The T-zone, which covers the chin, nose, and forehead, are usually the oily parts while the rest are either dry or normal.

Like normal skin, a lot of people have a combination skin type. As such, they require several varieties of skin care products as they tend to have varying needs for different portions of their face.

2. Avoid Using Too Many Products

Products used on the skin – whether on the face or the rest of the body – directly affect skin health. When used one at a time, these items may not cause any harm to your family’s skin. However, things might be quite different when they are used in combination with others.

To be safe, avoid layering too many skincare products. This will also help you avoid clogged pores and acne breakouts.

3. Eat Healthy and Hydrate Regularly

Some say, “beauty is skin-deep.” But more often than not, skincare goes deeper. Aside from what you put on your skin, what you drink and eat also matters.

That said, another effective way to keep your family’s skin healthy is by making sure they only consume the good stuff. Pick foods packed with vitamin A, essential fatty acids, antioxidants, healthy oils, and selenium. Some excellent examples include:

  • Carrots
  • Low-fat dairy products
  • Salmon
  • Walnuts
  • Berries
  • Beans
  • Turkey
  • Whole-wheat bread
  • Coconut or olive oil

4. Err on the Side of Caution by Using Gentle Products

Even if most of the people in your household have normal skin, it would still be best to err on the side of caution and stick to gentle, dermatologist-tested products. Keep in mind that even with the right skincare routine, your family’s skin health might still be compromised if you used something too harsh on the skin.

5. Protect from the Sun and Heat

The sun’s rays are the common culprit for skin damage, which is why doctors strongly advise against staying unprotected under UV rays for a long time.

However, it’s not just the sun you should be wary of.

Getting too close to any source of heat – from fireplaces to heaters – can also wreak havoc on the sensitive tissues of your skin. Too much heat exposure could lead to collagen breakdown, so be sure to stay at least three meters away when you’re roasting chestnuts or having a campfire.

Here’s another pro tip: Make sure you apply sunscreen (SPF 30 and above) at least 15 minutes before going out. This will allow the sun protection effect of the product to activate before it gets exposed to the sun’s rays.

6. Be Careful of DIY Skincare Hacks

There are a lot of hacks out there that may cause more harm than good and should be avoided.

One example is lemon juice. This natural extract is believed to help reduce the appearance of scars, blackheads, and other blemishes. It is also believed to help in exfoliating the skin.

Lemon juice is great when taken orally. But make no mistake – its vitamin C content cannot be immediately used by the skin when you apply it topically.

Plus, the citric acid – a type of alpha hydroxy acid (AHA) – they contain might be too much. Remember that fresh lemons are natural and unprocessed, which means you have no way to tell how much is in it. The AHA present in skincare products have already been adjusted and the acidity has been neutralized to be safe for topical use.

Using lemon juice directly on your skin may also lead to dark spots after sun exposure. It can also cause dryness and even skin irritation.

Skincare for the Whole Family

Skincare is important not only for beauty but also for overall wellness. Make sure that you help your family keep their skin healthy with the science-backed tips listed in this article.


Vanessa Batten is a marketing and communications specialist with 10 years’ experience in the UAE healthcare industry and is the Senior Communications Officer at Mediclinic Middle East. Operating seven hospitals and 20 outpatient clinics with more than 900 inpatient beds in the UAE, Mediclinic is focused on providing specialist, multi-disciplinary services across the continuum of care and is regarded as the most respected and trusted provider of private healthcare services in the UAE.